The first day, Paula the librarian and her assistant had read "Once Upon A Motorcycle Dude". They even dressed up as a princess and the ruffy dude. I have read the book, it is very funny :). It is a shame that I forgot to bring the camera that day!!
Then, on another day, they had an EAL teacher as the Mystery Reader. He was reading a book about this baby crocodile who wants to eat a child. Hmm... quite interesting. Here's some photos of him.
may be u could try split the video into shorter parts and try to upload again.
btw, found the Wimpy Kids book series last saturday..i wondered why it "sounded" familiar until i recalled about Ilham reading it...mmm...quite expensive over here.
How much over there? I bought through the school, a set of 3 books costs euro 15 (paperback). Recently I bought a set of 4 books(including the latest book-Dog Days) for a M'sian boy and it costs him euro22.
In the bookshop the book is euro 12(hardcover). That was what I had to pay for the latest book last week since Ilham wanted it so much, terpaksa beli juga :(
Want me to buy for you? Kalau the school give the flyers again?
if tak silap mph that day ~ paperback rm35(+-) and hardcover rm45 (+-) each..
what's d exchange rate from euro to rm? tak pe lah, saje je curious to know..but just in case, do let me know..hehe..
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