The luncheon was at the inner courtyard of the school. It was a wonderful sunny day. The kids enjoyed their lunch and the parents got a chance to meet and eat with each other and teachers. Last year in grade one, the luncheon was done indoor, we ate in classroom and mingling was not possible because of the small enclosure.
The inner courtyard...
Let's see them tucking into their food...
And more food...
And playtime afterwards...
So, what did I bring?
In case anyone is curious, yes I "klim" them myself :)
But what interested me was this....
Sekejap tak ada.....
Then, they had icecream party in their own class.
And a special goodbye to those who were leaving ISA....
Where they each told why they would miss the leavers....
Couldn't help but shed a few tears myself :( huaahuaawawaa.....
eee..sukenye tgok gambar2 tu especially yg kejap ada and kejap takde tu!
Your karipap is so gebu! Very neat..kena cari karipap pulaklah hari ni..hehe. Sampai skrg I tak pnah buat karipap. Goreng yg frozen je..
Bestkan buat makan2 camtu. Kat malaysia selalu anak2 je bawa makanan mak ayah tak join..
Enjoy tgok all your photos especially bila ada gambar makanan!... Lots of drooling and sighing..
oooh....I'm drooling. Gonna beg Mama to make curry puffs again. Your "klim" is good, she said. har har har *evil laughs*
Lots of people were admiring the bread, I wonder how the maker took out the inside...
Err..actually my DH's karipap(I klim je), nampak je gebu, bila makan keras ha..ha..
The school sure knows how to get parents to volunteer... Some parents did complain about that.
Dear Cat,
I bet your mama make yummy karipap, I have seen some of her recipes, sure looks good. Her acar made me drool :)
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