So, what did we do on Koninginnedag ?
We sold
Karipap !!! On the street of Amsterdamweg in Amstelveen !!!
Can you believe that ??? I still can't believe that I and my DH, actually fried and sold karipap to the Dutch !!!
Here is our Karipap....
murah sangat !!! 2 pieces for 1 Euro

And here is our "gerai" .....

My DH was the one who really wanted to sell the karipap. Me? Makan boleh la!! So, with the help of our friend (the credit of making all these karipaps should really go to her), we made about 500 pieces. With semangat "Malaysia Boleh", we set up our gerai at 9.30 in the morning and ready to conquer the Dutch with a taste of Malaysian culinary cooking.
It was fun.... The Dutch were very cautious, they knew Vietnamese lompea (popia), they know sate (Indonesian sate that is), but they never heard of karipap. Before buying, they would ask what is inside first. But once they tasted it, they came back for more !!! We had a lot of customers coming back to get more.
Ohh !! lekker !! lekker !! They would say...
We even had free publicity by some of them. This Iranian guy, he was telling the people around us that it was "lekker!!" . No wonder !! First he bought 2, then he came back and bought 4. A while later, he came back with his family and bought more !!
There was this lady (I assume she was Dutch), had to wait for me to fry because she bought 10 euros !! She said that she used to eat karipap when she was small and that her mother used to make it. She didn't need to try, she just knew that it would taste nice!! Bless her mother !!! She even asked whether I had a store here in Amsterdam. I wish I had given her my number, not that I want to make a karipap business! but I know that my friend would enjoy making them for her....
Ilham sure enjoyed his time that day, he was our interpreter when we couldn't understand what the Dutch was saying. Most of the time when they said something that sounded alien to me, I would just say "Het is aardappel en kip" I think, what I said was, "It is potato and chicken"
In the afternoon, when our friend came, Ilham and Haikal's job was to be our promotion managers. And they both created this song...
Karipap !!! Karipap !!!
Het is super lekker
Karipap !!! Karipap !!!
Twee stuks voor een euro
It's a pity that I forgot to take their photos in action. Only have these ones with their orange getup .... :)

A pity that it was raining and very cold that day. The sun only appeared for a little while in the afternoon. The weather had been so good earlier in the week, with the temperature shooting up to 26 celcius, and yet on Queen's day, it went down to 10 celcius !! Otherwise we would see a much larger crowd.
By the time we finished packing up for the day at 6 pm, we sold most of the karipaps, but there was still about 40 pieces left. It was very tiring, but the most important thing is we had FUN !!!
And I ........

had this headgear for memory....
Hmm... maybe next time we should sell at 1 euro each !!??